Unbreakable Mind
Mark Lynch of The Excellence Addiction reveals all of his mental toughness and growth mindset development strategies so you can cultivate mental resilience and get ahead of the curve with your personal growth. Discover how you can create a strong mind that works for you and gives you the mental edge you need to accomplish your biggest goals and begin living a life of passion, purpose, and fulfillment. Although Mark confesses he has yet to fully master the complete power of the mind, he has tirelessly researched topics such as effective leadership, positive mindsets, the law of attraction, and entrepreneurial mindsets to create his unbreakable mind. Now he's ready to help you develop yours. Leadership skills and qualities, the growth mindset, mental toughness training, mindset shifting, mental stillness, the comfort zone, personal development, self-improvement, and mental strength are just a few of the concepts that we'll explore to help you better understand how to develop an unbreakable mind that will put you in a position to you crush your most massive goals.
Podcasting since 2020 • 89 episodes
Unbreakable Mind
Latest Episodes
YOU Need Some Tough Love to Succeed - Ep. 87
Tough love, some people live by it, others hate it.But in today's episode, I'm going to tell you why you NEED IT!In this week's episode:Why tough love is really tough compassionWhy we need more tough love in...
August 10, 2021
Find Your Meaning to Truly Succeed - Ep. 86
This is going to be a highly relevant episode to a lot of people, especially given this last year that most of us had to push ourselves through.And even if you lived an amazing life this past year, there will be times when life gets dif...
July 31, 2021
Your Most Important Investment - Ep. 85
There is one investment that we can all make that will make us rich beyond measure.Spoiler alert, it's not the next meme crypto coin.When you make this investment, opportunities begin to find their way to you.You begin t...
July 24, 2021
5 Mentality Switches for More Success - Ep. 84
Look, it's no secret that our modern society is getting tougher and tougher to succeed in.The world isn't giving as many handouts and things are continually getting more expensive and out of reach for many people.But that doesn'...
July 17, 2021